This post from Steve Baker (twitter @stevebaker) the author of the excellent book, "The Numerati" makes the point that the pace at which language is evolving away from formalisms makes it harder and harder for computers to keep up and deduce meaning. It is already well known that a change of emphasis, the introduction of a pause, and other forms of affect can dramatically change the meaning or intent of an utterance or a written communication.
Formalisms work when there is very precise definition - or the need for very precise definition. So for example, when a process can be broken into very definite steps, then it makes sense to create a formal process for it. However there are many processes that cannot be broken into discrete steps (e.g. t"The Innovation Process", whatever that is). In which case it makes no sense to attempt to apply Lean or other process formalization techniques.
Likewise in language, at the surface level the nuances of human language are so varied that attempting to represent human speech or communication through formalisms is just plain crazy. There is, as Steve Baker argues just too much nuance, too great a rate of change of language and nuance to rely on a formal language approach.
Human to human communication is really negotiation about meaning. When I am in dialog with the short order cook about how I want my sandwich, I may not be terribly precise. The communication depends to some extent on how well I know the cook. So when I want a "dab" of mayonnaise on my sandwich, I have to negotiate with the cook as to what a "dab" means. If the cook and I have a shared understanding or context (like Dagwood and the cook in the comic strip), then it's easy. However, the first time I eat at a specific sandwich shop, there will be no shared context, so we will negotiate over the meaning of a "dab". The conversation might go something like this:
Me: Oh, and I would like a dab of mayonnaise on the sandwich too please.
Cook Holding up a palette knife with some mayonnaise on it: About this much?
Me: No a bit less please, and oh, could you put it directly on the bread, not on top of the meat?
Cook: Sure
Me: Thanks
So at that point we have established what I meant when I said "dab", but that isn't a universal definition. It is a local shared context. So next time I go to the same shop, with the same cook, it might go more quickly - assuming that the cook remembers and that the shop allows for variation.
As we look to apply this to systems, we are faced with the same sorts of difficulties. The more tightly specified an interaction is, the more throughput and efficiency we can get, but the less customer specific variability the system can tolerate. Is it even reasonable to think of the sandwich making process described above as a "system". Yes I think it is, after all once we have agreed on terms, the process is smooth. The trick for us in the systems world is where in the grand scheme of interaction do we put the agreement of terms so that the system can operate efficiently behind the scenes. Where does that necessary customization come from so the customer gets a personalized service, yet the system is efficient enough to run cost effectively.
Continuing the example from above, perhaps the person I am talking to is not the cook, but simply an expeditor. The expeditor's job is to translate from my requirement to the back end system (the line of sandwich makers) in a way that means I am going to get a customized (enough) sandwich. So perhaps the expeditor has access to all the ingredients and knowledge of the standard process, so that when creating the instructions to the sandwich maker, any exceptional ingredients or amounts of ingredients are transmitted with the instructions. So the palette knife with mayonnaise travels with the instructions.
That's an ugly solution, but one we could easily see. Where a shop generally doesn't allow for customization (because it is trying to be super efficient), but realizes that in today's market some customization is necessary to keep the customers happy.
Continuing the sandwich metaphor, au bon pain used to have a process whereby the customer would choose a bread, a spread, a topping (or more) and have a quasi customized sandwich. So the possible ingredients were offered, some rules about composition defined, but final customization (a bit less mayonnaise than is standard please) not an option.
In computer based systems we have the same things going on. At the front end there is negotiation going on. In this Wired Magazine article, the writer observes that there are some 550 improvements being made to the "Google Search Algorithm". Each of these improvements is intended to more accurately divine the intent of the user. In reality they aim to apply several contexts in which a search might be conducted - essentially negotiation between the knowledge managed by Google and the meaning intended by the user. Now once the negotiation is complete, then a powerful transaction system can act on the knowledge.
And that is the knowledge holy grail - enable negotiation at the edge through powerful tools, and back them up with access to extremely efficient, cost effective processing systems.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The iPhone4 antenna and our industry's approach..
Apple's scrambling around the iPhone4 issues reminds me of something from years back. In days of yore, we programmed on large computers in languages like PL/I. I was pretty knowledgeable about PL/I - and understood how it used memory, what quirks there were in IBM's pretty amazing optimizing compiler. Occasionally debugging required us to examine that thing of beauty - the core dump.
So one day, I was teaching a "how to read a core dump" class when a production problem arose and the on duty team could not resolve it. The dump was duly presented to me to interpret. So I made it a class exercise. The symptom was simple - the program raised a "division by zero exception". The Pl/I language has a special construct called an "On Unit" which is invoked if a matching exception arose. The general error on unit was invoked, the system produced its dump and all seemed to make sense. Except that there was no division being performed in the expression.
More PL/I history here - PL/I does automatic conversion of values in expressions to ensure that it manages the precision correctly. And just occasionally, it converts from the internal Extended Binary Coded Decimal format (where each half byte is stored as a digit 0-9 and the rightmost half byte is a value a-f to denote the sign) to a pure binary value. There is even a special machine instruction for doing this.
So on inspecting the actual place the program stopped, it was the machine instruction that does a convert to binary (and not a division instruction). Weird. On further examination of the oracle (the IBM Messages and Codes manual), we saw that the Convert To Binary instruction will raise a Division By Zero exception in the event that the decimal number is too big. Strange exception for that condition, but OK we know now. Of course by the time that the exception is raised to the PL/I language layer it is also treated as a "zerodivide" exception. And that's what gets reported.
Naturally enough we raised this as an issue with IBM, expecting either some clever fix in the language bindings, like "before actually raising zerodivide we will check the opcode and if it is convert to binary we will raise an overflow exception instead of zerodivide. Or an Oh interesting reaction, the hardware should probably not raise division by zero it should do overflow instead. No such luck. The documentation was fixed instead. It now reads (under the zerodivide section) that sometimes zerodivide can be raised when converting operands in an expression to binary. (Not a verbatim statement this all happened a long time ago).
So what's the parallel with Apple? maybe none, maybe it really is some overly aggressive bars calculating, but if there is a serious underlying problem, it is a whole lot easier to fix at the documentation level (you are holding it wrong), then at the software layer level (we will recalculate the bars) than at the fundamental hardware or platform level (we designed the antenna wrong).
It is natural to look for the least costly and least invasive fix to a problem, but sometimes it backfires.
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